A Hematocrit (HCT) test is done to determine the proportion of the red blood cells (RBCs. Hemoglobin analysis may be abnormal and indicative of a certain type of thalassemia. I also still have eczema but my asthma went away when I was a child, so idk about autoimmune disease. PV should be suspected when hemoglobin and/or hematocrit levels are elevated (i.e., hemoglobin level greater than 18 g per dL 180 g per L in white men and 16 g per dL 160 g per L in blacks and. Low Hemoglobin And Hematocrit Causes, Symptoms And Treatment. The causes of low hemoglobin are usually grouped into three types: those that occur due to some disease or condition that causes our body to produce fewer red blood cells, diseases that destroy red blood cells and thus affect the hemoglobin count or loss of blood in large amounts due to an accident, injury or. Also, I am a 19 y/o female who isn’t pregnant. Low Hemoglobin: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Fastlyheal best. Not looking for medical advice, but could anyone tell me if these iron levels are low and I’m confused or whether this is something else. Saw the doctor again and she ran the blood test specifically for iron, and I don’t think I have a deficiency? I started using the MegaFood Blood Builders late July about every day (no side effects), and by early September my blood tests were almost unchanged. I took them but it was like 3 times a week and then I stopped and finished them like 2 months later. This can lead to serious problems like pain and blood clots. In conditions like sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin can have an abnormal shape. The doctor prescribed me iron supplements (for iron deficiency anemia) that made me so nauseous. Hemoglobin levels that are too high or too low can lead to health problems. In iron deficiency anemia, ferritin is low and TIBC (total iron binding capacity) is high, reflecting the. In anemia of chronic disease without iron deficiency, ferritin will be high and transferrin will be low. Healthy individuals are able to tolerate profound, short-term decreases in hemoglobin levels and oxygen saturation without serious consequences, but critically ill patients in respiratory failure lack the necessary reserve capacity to preserve tissue oxygenation. I realized I had anemia earlier this year due to a blood test and like the title says my my hemoglobin, hematocrit, and MCH levels were really low, along with my RBC, and WBC and so on. It sounds like you have anemia of chronic disease (ACD) and not iron deficiency anemia.